Hello and welcome to this week's episode of The OBM Educator. I'm excited to get into today's topic, but first I do want to put out there that next week, on July 23rd, I am hosting a webinar called Build a Better Business Three Steps to Begin your Transition from VA to OBM, even if you don't think you're ready, and so I'm very excited about this webinar. If you've been on any of my trainings before or listened to this podcast, you know that I give a lot of great value and I dive really deep into the topic that I'm talking about. And so this webinar on really the steps to begin your transition from VA to OBM is going to be so value-packed, full of information. We're going to talk about how to land high-paying clients without needing a certification or advanced training. We're going to talk about how to create a deeper impact in your client's business without needing to know all of the skills, and then we're going to also talk about the mindset tools you'll need to believe in yourself and grow into the OBM role to truly create a better business for yourself. There will also be a Q&A session at the end so you can ask all of your questions.
I really encourage you, if you are listening to this podcast as a VA or even as a newer OBM, and you know you are really wanting to build your better business, something that gives you more money, more time freedom, lets you do the tasks that you actually really enjoy doing I encourage you to sign up for this webinar. It is free. It is going to be recorded, so even if you can't make the time, you will get a replay. And if you are listening to this after July 23rd, send me a message. Send me a message on Instagram and I will get you the reply so that you can watch it, because I know that this is going to be so full of good information and I want as many people as possible to listen to it, so wanted to get that out of the way first. Today we're going to be talking about client retention and what are the secrets to having long-term clients, which means long-term money in your business. I'm really excited to talk about this. This is how I've built my business and this is how it's been a sustainable business, really working on client retention. So, without further ado, let's get into it.
Welcome to the OBM Educator. I'm your host, manda McVicker, a veteran OBM who serves six and seven-figure entrepreneurs as well as educates new OBMs with the skills and confidence they need to start and grow their own successful online business management business. Follow along as I share valuable insights behind the scenes, sneak peeks and proven strategies to help you build a better OBM business. I truly believe that being an OBM is one of the most sustainable business plans that you can have as an online entrepreneur. You know, when you look at like business coach or something like that, with the coaching side of things, for the most part you are churning through clients, whether they're going through a course, a mastermind, even one-to-one mentoring or coaching. You are usually having to get more clients. Even as a VA. You know there are definitely long-term VA relationships, but even those are sometimes more short-lived and you're finding new clients or you have to have more clients in order to meet your revenue goals. But with OBM you're really looking at a long-term partnership. When you find that good fit, that long-term partnership fit, you're not going anywhere. They're not going anywhere. You are in that business for the long haul and what that means is you don't have to be finding new clients all the time. When you hit your capacity and you are happy with your clients, you're golden right.
I started my OBM business in 2020 and my first client I got July of 2020, and we are now in July of 2024 and she is still my client. My other two clients we started in the spring of 2021. These are long-term clients and for a very long time I did not have to worry about finding new clients. I did not have to worry about marketing myself as an OBM, and it wasn't until, you know, I had more capacity that I was like okay, now I can bring someone else on because I'm able to, and even that I got through a referral.
So when you're thinking of your OBM clients, you really want to be looking at the long term, and so how do you do that? How do you make it so that, if a client is a good fit and you really enjoy working with them, how is it that you can work with them for three, four, five plus years? So I'm going to be going over three things that I think are really helpful as an OBM on your side of what you can do to help make these long-term relationships. Now, the first one is probably going to be a little bit obvious, but it is providing great service. Now, before you freak out, this does not mean being perfect all the time, because, trust me, no one is perfect all the time. Everyone makes mistakes but it is providing a service that shows that you really care about their business, that you want their business to do well and that you are taking the time and the effort and putting in the energy to do well in the work that you're doing for them.
So this can look like many different things, but it's going above and beyond on some things, going the extra mile, thinking outside of the box, making suggestions. We all do the normal OBM stuff the team management, project management, putting together the systems and everything. But how can you take it a step further? When I think back to the testimonials and the feedback that I've received from my clients about the work that I provide for them, almost always they all say that I go above and beyond, that I give them what they're looking for and what they're asking for, but I give them more. And now I don't do this in a way that burns me out or makes it an expectation. It's something that you kind of like sprinkle in, that you add in like every now and then adding in something extra, but what it does is it really like signals to your client, like they really care about me and they really care about my business and that is going to make them think of you as like invaluable and irreplaceable, and all of that because you are providing them such a great service.
The next thing that you can do is be forward thinking, and so that means that you know you are looking at the big picture, the calendar, what is coming up in the next three months, in the next six months, in the next nine months? How can you be involved in those things, in the next year's projects, all of that stuff. So start thinking about what's going on in your clients' businesses. What are the plans that they are wanting to implement, when can they be implemented? And talk to your clients about that, talk to them about the vision. They share their vision and you implement it. But if you can be having them talk about their forward vision and get yourself in it, then you are going to be in their minds, part of their long-term plan, and then that kind of ties into the third thing, which is just think in the long term.
So don't enter a OBM partnership thinking, okay, I got my six-month contract, let's see what we can get done in here. And this is why I always suggest not doing a three or six-month contract and instead having a month-to-month contract that still protects you and them. Like, you have those terms in there. But when you put a limit on the contract, it's almost signaling to the client like this could potentially end. There's a decision that has to be made in three months or six months. Do I want to continue with this?
In the same way I was talking about how, like business coaches do go through clients more because they do have those three or six month contracts. Yes, some people might resign, but not always. When they're given that like write out choice. And in the same way, when you give your client that quote, unquote choice and you say, hey, our six month contract is up, are you ready to renew? It is entering into their mind like, oh, okay, well, you know, I have these expenses coming up, maybe we postpone. Can we work together in a couple months? And so, if you're thinking in the long term, if you're going into the partnership, being like I'm barring conflicts of personality, things like that. I'm in this for the long haul. Then you are going to be in it for the long haul. Going to be in it for the long haul. So be thinking long term, be forward thinking, always keeping what's going on in their business in the next three months, six months, 12 months front of mind and then, of course, provide great service.
I hope that this episode was helpful for you. Wanted to keep it quick, know you can really get this information. One of the feedbacks that I love hearing about the podcast is it is easy to listen to, it is quick to listen to, and that has always been my intention. So I hope that these tips to having client retention, long-term retention, so that you can get long term clients, more consistent money in your business. I hope that these tips were helpful for you. As a reminder, please sign up for my webinar Build a Better Business: Three Steps to Begin Your Transition from VA to OBM.
In it, we are going to be talking about how to create a deeper impact into your clients business, and that fits perfectly into providing great service. If you have not signed up already, I encourage you to do that and I will talk with you guys next week. Bye. Thanks for joining me for this episode of The OBM Educator. I hope what you heard today is helpful for you on your OBM journey. If you loved today's episode, I would so appreciate you sharing it and leaving a review on your favorite podcast platform. Want to be a guest on the OBM Educator? Fill out the form in the show notes and I'll be in touch. Join us next time on The OBM Educator.